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thank u so much i wanted to put memes to ma game

Thank you! Very helpful, I think I can use this as many pages Gallery instead of scrolling. Have a question though, how can I add a hover image to the slot?

Thank you!

When i tried to customize the gallery screen, only the a_ gallery changes. I changed the size the pictures appear in an un open state, only the a_ gallery changes even though i changed the numbers in all the gallery scripts, im really confused, help

Deleted 289 days ago
Deleted 289 days ago

hi zeil! ive been following your tutorials along with my partner to make a game for our thesis and theyve all been super helpful<3 just wanted to come here and ask if its possible to show a line of text when someone presses a photo in the gallery? we wanted to put fun facts under a photo since our game is sort of introducing an educational topic. thank you!!

you can contact me on discord as well: @worrbs

Very nice tutorial but how can I make the gallery to require an unlock code?

(1 edit)

Thank you! Do you mean persistence? If so, you can see it here: Blue_button

I want to lock the whole gallery and only allow people with a code (a word or numbers) to unlock it and gain access to the images.

That's a good game idea!

  1. You'll need an input window: Input Video
  2. You'll check for the code. Let's say you keep your variable as povname where 12345 is the passcode.
if povname == "12345":
    $ persistent.blue_unlocked = True

3. You need lines 7-9 of this video: Blue_button

If you have any other questions, you may contact me on Discord: _zeil


Thanks for the help :)

how should you go about putting variations of the same CG under a single gallery button?

thank you for this btw


Hello~ You're welcome. I think you're looking for this: 



ah i didn't notice there was a vid, thank you very much!

(1 edit)

hey i used it but i have error "Grid not completly full" can you help me plz ?

(can aswer here or in discord @Sugna#5382

most likely you do not have enough images to fill the grid up (the grid uses a 4x4 which means 16 images, you might have added less)

You can try adding this variable to your Renpy script:

define config.allow_underfull_grids = True

Thanks for this template :D

Glad to help!

Gosh, It's you Zeli! I knew it